Sunday, February 21, 2010


Last night I downloaded Allods by gPatato. My first impressions of it with the character creation and the tutorial were great. I really liked the graphical style, the race-class combination and the streamlined quest system. After the tutorial you are brought back into the average mmorpg. Well, the game play and quests are above average with most free to play games and close to some pay to play ones but I found myself looking for away to hide my chat log within minutes of playing. Everyone uses the zone chat to complain about how the game is like wow. Its an mmorpg people, they are not that different. Sure its has better graphics, different interface and other changes but there is no way they could have made it with no similarities. People cant just enjoy a game for what it is anymore. Instead of logging off and playing wow or whatever it is that makes them happy, they stay logged in to QQ so much is makes the game unbearable. Just when I thought I was going to blow my head off, I found that I can minimize my chat log!!! I will have some videos of it soon. Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Lack of activity

I do apoligize that I havent made any posts lately, but I will have some new content up soon.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Runescape Guide - Cook's Assistant

Runescape Guides

Im going to be uploading a series of quest guides I created for Runescape soon. Keep an eye out for that.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Zombie Driver

I got this on steam during the massive holiday sell for like 3 bucks, it is pretty damn addictive.

Starfox 64

Playing some good old Starfox 64 on Project 64. This is a classic!


Here I am sitting in second period Cooperative Business Education with a 20 oz French Vanilla and a stacker swimming around my belly. I couldn't sleep if I had too.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

UI Update

Here is the UI I have been using for a week. I really enjoy custom UIs and this one is the best I have ever used. I wish I could provide a link to the creator but I can't find it now. If anyone does find it feel free to leave it in a comment.

Welcome to my new blog

Hello and welcome. I will be posting all my videos and information and occasional blogs/rants/reviews and whatever else.

Please note, I do link exchange, so If you would like me to link your site, send me an email to and I would be glad to put your site link here in exchange for my site link on your web page. I can also link you from

Thanks for stopping by!